There is an easier route to a better – and healthier – body

These three incredible ladies shared their life-changing transformation journeys on It’s So Simple with the nation in this incredible article in The Telegraph. 

The brilliant trio show how easy it can be to transform your health and fitness and knock years off your metabolic age. Read their full stories below. 

But what is metabolic age and how to you transform it?

Metabolic age refers to how your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which represents the number of calories your body burns while at rest, compares to the average BMR for individuals of your chronological age within the broader population. If your metabolic age is lower than your chronological age, that’s probably a good sign. If it’s higher, you may want to take a look at your dietary habits and exercise routine.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) represents the minimum number of calories your body requires to function while at rest. Essentially, it accounts for the calories you burn without any deliberate physical activity. Even during moments of complete inactivity, such as lounging on the couch, your body expends energy through processes like breathing, digestion, and blood circulation.

Importantly, BMR does not consider physical activity. Surprisingly, approximately 60 to 75 percent of your daily calorie expenditure occurs even when you appear to be doing nothing at all.

The most effective approach to maintaining good health involves a balance of physical activity and nutritional choices making sure your consistently consume the right level of calories that your body needs to function optimally. If you’re overweight, then reducing your calorie intake below the level that your body consumes will support weight loss. 

However fad diets, often do this without considering the need to preserve your muscle mass as you lose weight. So yes you lose weight but if you don’t preserve or boost your muscle mass (and BMR) you might actually be losing precious muscle, reducing your metabolic age! By reducing caloric intake, boosting protein intake and increasing physical activity, you can prevent the metabolic decline that hinders weight loss. Regular exercise not only burns calories during the activity itself but also enhances your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), leading to increased calorie expenditure even when you’re not actively exercising.

In addition to diet and exercise, prioritizing a good night’s sleep is crucial. Scientific research highlights the significant role sleep plays in energy metabolism, and inadequate sleep can contribute to weight gain. If you struggle with sleep, consider incorporating some gentle stretching exercises before bedtime.

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