I lost 25 kilos in six months with these lifestyle changes

The foundation of It’s So Simple is Rachael’s incredible personal transformation. Without this, ISS simply wouldn’t exist! 

And Rachael’s own personal journey, wasn’t based on a bigger vision to create a business that now helps thousands of women around the world – rather her vision was to take one first step towards improving her own health. 

And from that first step, came a second and third. As the changes became habits, so Rachael’s transformation gained pace. 

Click below to read the full article in The Telegraph. 

“I had always struggled with weight. As a child, I was always the “bigger” one, but after my third child, I was just shy of 90 kilos (over 14 stone). I struggled to lift myself off the sofa, my back hurt and I had anxiety and depression. I wanted to change, but I didn’t know how.

On holiday with my brother in September 2017, he noticed me eating three ice lollies in an hour and asked me what was up. He told me that I didn’t have to make a huge change all at once, I just needed to start walking a bit more. I realised he was totally right; I had to take responsibility.

It was quite hard even to walk around the block, but after a few weeks, I progressed to walking to the park. Then I added in a few home workouts – doing them in my bedroom because I was too shy of even my family seeing me work out. After a couple of months, I joined a gym and started weight training.”

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